Definition of Space heater

1. Noun. Heater consisting of a self-contained (usually portable) unit to warm a room.

Specialized synonyms: Electric Fire, Electric Heater
Generic synonyms: Heater, Warmer

Definition of Space heater

1. Noun. A portable heating appliance used to warm an area or room. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Space Heater

space elevators
space environment
space environments
space exploration
space explorations
space factor
space factors
space fixed reference
space fixed references
space flight
space flights
space frame
space frames
space group
space guidance
space heater
space heaters
space heating
space helmet
space hopper
space hoppers
space invader
space invaders
space junk
space laboratory
space lattice
space lattices
space maintainer
space medicine
space mission

Literary usage of Space heater

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Russian Defense Business Directory: St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblastedited by Franklin J. Carvalho edited by Franklin J. Carvalho (1998)
"In addition, the apartments may include a washer and dryer, water heater, space heater, and water filtration system. A Western style apartment located in ..."

2. Waste Minimizaton in the Oil Field by DIANE Publishing Company (1996)
"Under § 279.23 of the used oil standards, used oil may be burned in a used oil-fired space heater under specified conditions, and provided that the space ..."

3. Sacred Wisdom by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn (1995)
"Nichols: “This fire was on the fourteenth floor and supposedly was started by a space heater. I want you to look at this, will • you, and tell me if you ..."

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